5 Benefits of Choosing Blogging Niche

Infact every new bloggers want to make money and the first niche they think is "blogging niche". Choosing a blogging niche has some advantages as well as disadvantages. So I would like to discuss a few advantages on choosing a blogging niche. A blogging niche is the best way to get identified when compared to other niche.


1. Identification

Becoming a famous blogger is always an target for smart bloggers. I mean many bloggers are not worried if they are not because of making money. Some show interest in becoming famous blogger and some on money making. So, if a blogger choose a blogging niche, I am sure he could easily become famous quickly then other bloggers from other niche. It all depends on how you write blog articles and deliver to your readers.

2. Alexa

Alexa the most important rank for all sites over the internet. Still I can say PageRank is managing to give tough competition in the point of building backlinks. But when it comes to advertisers point of view alexa stands first and next comes DA ( Domain Authority ). Alexa increases if a person who installed alexa toolbar visits your site. So normally blogger search for blogging content and if you choose blogging niche that would be a best niche to increase alexa rank.

3. Money Making

Making money with sites is default way for bloggers income. I do agree that not every blogger is making money with their site but some does. Blogging sites get offers from advertisers/ owners for advertisement, sponsored posts, sponsored reviews and much more. So, this making money is also a part of good alexa rank.

4. Gaining More Knowledge

Gaining knowledge is first importance in case of eduction, business, games or any other. This also works for blogging. If we are in blogging niche, surely we learn many things like SEO, Link Building, Web Designing and many more related to website development. As a teacher need to study a lesson before he delivers it to students. So bloggers learn and they deliver via blog articles.

5. Content Writing

The way we write is the reason to develop social media followers. Right from the beginning of your article, you should maintain unique style to attract readers to continue reading your blog posts. By choosing this niche, it is very special to write blog posts in different manner implementing SEO, Internal Linking, Forcing readers to comment, Converting readers smartly to regular blog readers and much more. So content writing, stylish english would increase choosing this kind of niche. This helps to write best reviews about gadgets, products, services or any other.

So there are many advantages of choosing a blogging niche in blogging world. I would like to hear, what do you think about selecting a blogging niche as first try.....? Drop a comment and let's discuss.

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