How Content Marketing Is More Complicated Then You Think?

Content marketing has grown by 56% in previous years at an enormous rate, at this rate we can assume that one day content marketing would be more popular than TV shows. More and more people are indulging in content marketing with an ardent desire to earn much, but everyone is not successful. A site named Alexa ranks websites on the basis of their traffic and backlinks, according to it top rankers are search engines, then social media sites and then some other sites. Moz is ranked as 297 by it, but think that if there is someone who ranks 297 then there is also someone who ranks 20,00,000. Everyone wants to be at rank 200, but everyone doesn’t get it, ever known why? More and more newbie’s jump in to content marketing thinking it as the best way to earn easily without knowing the fact that more than 250 million people are already trying this. They keep writing content thinking that patience will pay-off, which never do’s. Their traffic remains same for years and then they lose their hope resulting into deletion of their blog. Nobody wants to end it like this but they have to, do you know why? This happens because they jump into the race of content marketing without any research or even without knowing the basics of it. I would dedicate this article mainly to those people who are new at the world of content marketing and who think that patience is the key to success. Below I have mentioned some points telling that content marketing is not as easy as you think.

1.Content Marketing Requires Time

Spending 1 hour on your PC daily or weekly is not enough to get a better place in world of content marketing. Many popular website owners and entrepreneurs told in interviews that how do they used to struggle for reaching at the place where they are standing. For example: In an interview Neil Patel said that he used to work for 9 hours breaklessly on his PC to make quicksprout reach at the place where it is standing. You don’t need to work for 9 hours on your PC but at least two hours are important if you want to be better than others or else you would be similar to 90% people who spend minutes writing content, analyzing their audience and designing their site. And in return to this they only get 100 visitors a day.

2.Content Marketing Requires Skill

Content marketing is not a game of playing with dolls, neither it’s game of snatching food from lion’s mouth. It is more complicated then both; snatching food from lion’s mouth is more easy because you don’t need any technical expertise to do it. But in content marketing, skill and expertise is very important. Coming into the ground of content marketing without any article writing or image creating skills is just like searching for a needle in hay. Without skills you are equivalent to nothing in the world of content marketing. You should be too good at designing and writing skills for being at better place, because articles everyone can write, but successful people write good articles. Except writing skills you should also be a good researcher and analyzer to find out your audience and write for them co

3.Content Marketing Requires Patience

In the intro paragraph above I told that people keep writing content, waiting and thinking that they will have great traffic one day. But this patience in not worth of anything, it is similar to time waste. I don’t say that patience is not required, good results always take time, but being patient for something that you will never get is time waste. There’s a way to analyze the fact that will your patience pay off or not. Usually increment in traffic is observed within 6 months, so this can be the best way to analyze your hard work. If you are waiting for years with traffic of 100 thinking that patience always pay off, you are also like the other 90% newbie’s struggling to get traffic. Now no need to wait anymore, you have wasted a lot of time waiting for something that you will never get. Analyze your websites design and content to betterize them.

4.Content Marketing Requires Investment

Being better in the content marketing is not completely free, if you think that you will come into the world of content marketing and start earning much without paying even a penny, than you are like 99% of newbie’s who have the same desire. Let me to make you aware of the fact that without investing you can’t get anything. Spreading your content via blog without purchasing a domain is done by maximum newbie’s which hardens the gates of traffic for their blog. Not paying to promote or advertise your blog on the web is like constructing hurdles in the way of traffic to your blog. I don’t ask you to invest a million bucks in promoting, hosting etc. but at least you need to invest $100 for building a base traffic of your blog in advertising.

                                   This is a guest post from Himanchal Sharma of technopcarea


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