Why you should make your blog comments "dofollow"

blogger comments
Comments are the heart of the blog.Without comments inside a post,the user will think negative about your post and blog.I bet you,Making your comment dofollow will definetely increase the comments and trafic in your blog.Many blogger are insearch of dofollow blog to leave their backlink in comments.They will also try to comment atleast in all post.So,This will also help in blog traffic.Lets see the detail information about dofollow comments in blogger.

In Blogger / Blogspot, a default setting called “no-follow” defines that links inside comments and backlinks are not to be followed by incoming search engine crawler bots, thus reducing the commenters’ and backlinkers' chance in getting any increase in their page ranks from the links they left. It prevents commenting and backlinking atmosphere in blogs from being as conducive as it should. That is why removing no-follow in blog comments and backlinks is a good advice; it applies to Blogger / Blogspot as well.

The counterpart of no-follow, do-follow, will provide a positive stimulus for your visitors to engage better in comments and backlinks section. It will also generate mutual value for blog owners and commenter, by giving feedback to the host and followed links to the visitors. In overall, it will be helpful in developing a healthy atmosphere around a blog. Battle spam, not blogs.

How to Make comments "dofollow"

How to Make comments "dofollow"
To remove the no-follow in Blogger / Blogspot comments, a tag that is located inside the template codes need to be adjusted a little bit. To find it, access “edit HTML” from “layout” section of your dashboard first. Please note that you need to check “expand widget template” since the codes we are looking for are located inside one of the widgets. Then find this tag, which is responsible in authorize the crawler bots whether to follow the links or not.
<a href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel=’nofollow’><data:comment.author/></a>

For faster result, you can use your browser searching tool and find the word “nofollow”. You will find that there are two word “nofollow” in the codes, the first one are located inside comments-block codes, and the second are located inside backlinks codes. We are talking about removing the first one, which is related to comments section.

Then, to adjust the codes not to enable “nofollow”, please simply delete these bold codes:

<a href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel=’nofollow’><data:comment.author/></a>

Therefore, the result will look something like this:

<a href='data:comment.authorUrl’><data:comment.author/></a>

Please save the template then, and now your blog will be officially do-follow. Do not forget to inform it to your readers, or otherwise they will not know it and your effort will be meaningless.

DoFollow on Backlinks

DoFollow on Backlinks

For backlinks, the default settings of blogger also applies the same “no-follow” rule, and you can disable it using the same method if you wish. However, unlike comments, you have no control nor can moderate any of them. They are generated automatically based on pings and trackbacks. I personally prefer disabling backlinks from the dashboard settings, since their appearance makes my blog looks messy.

This tag needs to be adjusted in order to disable no-follow in backlinks. Just delete the bold codes, my friend.

<a href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>

To re-enable the "no-follow" in comments or backlinks, just put the deleted codes back in their original position.

Making comment dofollow may decrease your pagerank and risk of attacked by spammers. Do not Forget to comment in this dofollow blog!


  1. Nice. By the way can you post about Yahoo ads please

  2. Hi i have already made all my comments and backlinks attributes to be DOFOLLOW but i have cloaked links all over the blog that have NOFOLLOW attribute.

    Does this NOFOLLOW atribute in my cloaked links affect my page rank?

    Will Google block my site for having so many affiliate links or cloaked links if i set them to DOFOLLOW?

    i'm still a beginner in blogging, Thank you for your teaching.

    1. Dear Robin,Dofollow attributes will definitely decrease your pagerank.If your link from your site goes to low quality site,make them nofollow in order to avoid loosing link juice.If you have any doubts again feel free to comment again:)

  3. thank you..a very informative post. I'll apply it to my two blogs

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  5. Thanks for sharing information about do follow blog comments.

  6. Thanks have just change my blog over to do follow so I appreciate the tips and warnings.

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      مركز تحميل كوايت ديزاين - See more at: http://truebloggertricks.blogspot.com/2012/12/why-you-should-make-blog-comments.html?showComment=1362002069231#c1203876886970759501

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  8. I just make my blog dofollow, thanks for instructions
    How To O

  9. Hi !

    May I tell you that your blog has nofollow comments.

    Its highly dangerous to have dofollow comment links. PLEASE DON'T DO IT.

    It damages the page rank if you link to bad sites.

  10. thanks for information ........... we wait behind the comments and visit our link

  11. Great. It's very interesting and a good way to increase website traffic and comments. But don't you think a large number of out links from our blogs will harm the rank?
    Thank you!

    My blog: Bloggerjin

  12. very nice information. It was very useful for seo work. Thank you for sharing.

  13. Nice information, but i think nofollow blog better than dofollow blog

  14. Congratulations! This is really a great read! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.

  15. Great article. I was wondering if I should make the links on my blog dofollow or not. Thank you.

  16. Thanks for sharing...

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