Hostgator is One of the Most Flexible Wordpress

Hostgator is one of the most flexible wordpress hosting leading company in the world. Hostgator ought to be the best web hosting company in all over the world from the start, and they even provide the highest quality support.

Hostgator offers web hosting, reseller hosting and dedicated hosting. Over 1,800,000 websites are trusting hostgator for its services provided by them.  If we check over web we can see lots of customer reviews 2014 for Hostgator very positively.

Hosting packages:

Hostgator provides unlimited disk space and bandwidth in shared hosting, which is affordable for all the customers. They are providing three plan in the first shared hosting plan, they are:
1.       Hatchling plan: Hatchling plan is the first shared hosting plan, this is the first package in which hostgator offers unlimited band width, unlimited space and unlimited sub-domains and many more. The price starts from $3.96 per month
2.       Baby plan: Baby plan is the second option in shared hosting. Here you will get unlimited band width, unlimited space and unlimited parked domains and access to dedicated IP options. This plan starts from $6.36 per month.
3.       Business plan: Business plan is the third plan and in this plan you will be getting unlimited band width, unlimited space, dedicated ISP, toll free number and also free SSL. This plan starts from $10.36 per month.
Recommended post : Cheapest Wordpress web hosting

Apart from this they are providing more three hosting packages. They are:

1.       Reseller hosting: This is a separate hosting package in which you will be getting free client management and billing software, free enom domain reseller account and free site building tools. The packages includes 50GB disk space, and 500GB bandwidth and you will be able to host unlimited domain as much as you want. This package starts from $14.55 per month.
2.       VPS package: This is the another package in which you can host unlimited websites, unlimited sub-domains, unlimited MySQL database,Free site building software,Unlimited FTP accounts,weekly off site backups, Private name servers, unlimited email accounts, Full root access, virtuozzo power plan,Fully managed with Cpanel and 24/7/365 award winning-support. This package starts from $11.64 in the first month.
3.       Dedicated severs: This is the last and final big package, there are two types of server. One is linux dedicated server and another one is windows dedicated servers. In this dedicated server you can host your own website with huge traffics in it. The cost starts at $101.29 in the first month.

Money back guarantees :

Hostgator offers money back guarantee, you can cancel at any time during the first 45 days and receive the full refund. But, for that you just need to fill out the form at cancel.php by explaining why you wish to cancel, request a refund and one of the cancellation team member will be taking care of everything for you.

Average uptime:

Hostgator have 99.9% uptime guarantee. Whenever you feel that your site is down or it is unreachable for more than an hour on the purchasing month, just drop a mail on that your site has been down during the given time frame, Hostgator admins will investigate and if a month credit is due because of downtime, one of the hostgator administrator will post a credit in your account.

Customer supports:

Hostgator offers support in any Cpanel issues, and other general server issues. Hostgator have 24/7 live chat and phone support which will help you immediately whenever you need help for your blog. Their supporting service is very active and it is very easy for customer to contact them in any time.
Hope this genuine review helps you to make decision for hostgator. Please share your experiences too in comment section.
Hostgator Discount Coupon:
Now you can save huge discount with hostgator discount coupon codes, We’ll post info about Black Friday Hostgator Sale/deal very soon till you can use “GRAB25HGOFF” for 25% Discount.
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Blogging Community for Bloggers ( Review

Blogging Communities are best for driving traffic from only bloggers. These days google started regular updating of their search engine algorithms. So we should also concentrate on off page seo for driving traffic to our blog. I come to discuss about best blogging community to promote blog posts, there are many like, blogengage, dosplash, and few other.

Today I would like to discuss my personal experience with blogging community site. When I tried to use these top blogging communities. I really started to enjoy more traffic for my site. Basically that would result in increase of my alexa rank because its pure quality traffic from bloggers. There are many methods to drive traffic to your site. But I do believe that using blogging communities are best way to get backlinks, traffic and also gain authority.

What are Blogging Communities?

Blogging Communities are social networking sites and the places where pro bloggers join to share their blog posts to enjoy traffic, backlinks and also to get connections with other probloggers.

Could we benefited by joining blogging communities?

Blogging communities offer dofollow backlinks to published blog posts. They are best ways to quickly promote your blog posts. So getting popular is easy using these communities. But you need to promote quality blog posts. As there are many pro bloggers using these communities, you need to share only quality blog posts.

So you now know what are blogging communities? and How to we get benefited by joining these communities. Now I would like to take a review about Blogging Community. Unlike other communities this community also has good navigation and accepts blog posts from all categories expect, AxDxUxLxT, gaming sites. And also it won't accept .blogspot .wordpress or other free sites.

How to Join and use this blogging community?

In order to create your account, click here to sign up. Make sure you fill that form and click on create account. Later login to your inbox and verify your account. Now, after verifying your account, login to your getblogtraffic account, and fill up your profile information completely. Make sure to use your profile pic, and fill all social media links, with your blog address.

How to Submit your blog posts?

You have a direct option for submission of your blog posts using, "Submit" option on homepage, or you can manually go with this submit link, and add your post url, choose good category related to your posts, and add good description for your post and click on Submit.

Submit blog posts to blogging community

How to get my posts published?

Inorder to get your submitted posts published, you need to be active in this community. I want to tell you that, upvote others, drop your comments on their submitted posts links. So that your karma can increase easily. So you get authority.

get more upvotes in blogging community

Tips to get published quickly:
  • Share good quality content only
  • Do vote other and drop comments on their submitted posts to get noticed
  • Share your submitted post links in social media
  • Ask your friends to upvote your
The below is the screen shot I got when one of my blog posts got published. If your post gets published then you are more visible to users because it would be displayed in homepage. So try to get more up votes to your submitted posts.

ALSO READ:  How to get dofollow backlinks from facebook

I am happy to hear your words about this review in comments :)
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5 Benefits of Choosing Blogging Niche

Infact every new bloggers want to make money and the first niche they think is "blogging niche". Choosing a blogging niche has some advantages as well as disadvantages. So I would like to discuss a few advantages on choosing a blogging niche. A blogging niche is the best way to get identified when compared to other niche.

benefits of choosing blogging niche

1. Identification

Becoming a famous blogger is always an target for smart bloggers. I mean many bloggers are not worried if they are not because of making money. Some show interest in becoming famous blogger and some on money making. So, if a blogger choose a blogging niche, I am sure he could easily become famous quickly then other bloggers from other niche. It all depends on how you write blog articles and deliver to your readers.

2. Alexa

Alexa the most important rank for all sites over the internet. Still I can say PageRank is managing to give tough competition in the point of building backlinks. But when it comes to advertisers point of view alexa stands first and next comes DA ( Domain Authority ). Alexa increases if a person who installed alexa toolbar visits your site. So normally blogger search for blogging content and if you choose blogging niche that would be a best niche to increase alexa rank.

3. Money Making

Making money with sites is default way for bloggers income. I do agree that not every blogger is making money with their site but some does. Blogging sites get offers from advertisers/ owners for advertisement, sponsored posts, sponsored reviews and much more. So, this making money is also a part of good alexa rank.

4. Gaining More Knowledge

Gaining knowledge is first importance in case of eduction, business, games or any other. This also works for blogging. If we are in blogging niche, surely we learn many things like SEO, Link Building, Web Designing and many more related to website development. As a teacher need to study a lesson before he delivers it to students. So bloggers learn and they deliver via blog articles.

5. Content Writing

The way we write is the reason to develop social media followers. Right from the beginning of your article, you should maintain unique style to attract readers to continue reading your blog posts. By choosing this niche, it is very special to write blog posts in different manner implementing SEO, Internal Linking, Forcing readers to comment, Converting readers smartly to regular blog readers and much more. So content writing, stylish english would increase choosing this kind of niche. This helps to write best reviews about gadgets, products, services or any other.

So there are many advantages of choosing a blogging niche in blogging world. I would like to hear, what do you think about selecting a blogging niche as first try.....? Drop a comment and let's discuss.
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How Content Marketing Is More Complicated Then You Think?

Content marketing has grown by 56% in previous years at an enormous rate, at this rate we can assume that one day content marketing would be more popular than TV shows. More and more people are indulging in content marketing with an ardent desire to earn much, but everyone is not successful. A site named Alexa ranks websites on the basis of their traffic and backlinks, according to it top rankers are search engines, then social media sites and then some other sites. Moz is ranked as 297 by it, but think that if there is someone who ranks 297 then there is also someone who ranks 20,00,000. Everyone wants to be at rank 200, but everyone doesn’t get it, ever known why? More and more newbie’s jump in to content marketing thinking it as the best way to earn easily without knowing the fact that more than 250 million people are already trying this. They keep writing content thinking that patience will pay-off, which never do’s. Their traffic remains same for years and then they lose their hope resulting into deletion of their blog. Nobody wants to end it like this but they have to, do you know why? This happens because they jump into the race of content marketing without any research or even without knowing the basics of it. I would dedicate this article mainly to those people who are new at the world of content marketing and who think that patience is the key to success. Below I have mentioned some points telling that content marketing is not as easy as you think.

1.Content Marketing Requires Time

Spending 1 hour on your PC daily or weekly is not enough to get a better place in world of content marketing. Many popular website owners and entrepreneurs told in interviews that how do they used to struggle for reaching at the place where they are standing. For example: In an interview Neil Patel said that he used to work for 9 hours breaklessly on his PC to make quicksprout reach at the place where it is standing. You don’t need to work for 9 hours on your PC but at least two hours are important if you want to be better than others or else you would be similar to 90% people who spend minutes writing content, analyzing their audience and designing their site. And in return to this they only get 100 visitors a day.

2.Content Marketing Requires Skill

Content marketing is not a game of playing with dolls, neither it’s game of snatching food from lion’s mouth. It is more complicated then both; snatching food from lion’s mouth is more easy because you don’t need any technical expertise to do it. But in content marketing, skill and expertise is very important. Coming into the ground of content marketing without any article writing or image creating skills is just like searching for a needle in hay. Without skills you are equivalent to nothing in the world of content marketing. You should be too good at designing and writing skills for being at better place, because articles everyone can write, but successful people write good articles. Except writing skills you should also be a good researcher and analyzer to find out your audience and write for them co

3.Content Marketing Requires Patience

In the intro paragraph above I told that people keep writing content, waiting and thinking that they will have great traffic one day. But this patience in not worth of anything, it is similar to time waste. I don’t say that patience is not required, good results always take time, but being patient for something that you will never get is time waste. There’s a way to analyze the fact that will your patience pay off or not. Usually increment in traffic is observed within 6 months, so this can be the best way to analyze your hard work. If you are waiting for years with traffic of 100 thinking that patience always pay off, you are also like the other 90% newbie’s struggling to get traffic. Now no need to wait anymore, you have wasted a lot of time waiting for something that you will never get. Analyze your websites design and content to betterize them.

4.Content Marketing Requires Investment

Being better in the content marketing is not completely free, if you think that you will come into the world of content marketing and start earning much without paying even a penny, than you are like 99% of newbie’s who have the same desire. Let me to make you aware of the fact that without investing you can’t get anything. Spreading your content via blog without purchasing a domain is done by maximum newbie’s which hardens the gates of traffic for their blog. Not paying to promote or advertise your blog on the web is like constructing hurdles in the way of traffic to your blog. I don’t ask you to invest a million bucks in promoting, hosting etc. but at least you need to invest $100 for building a base traffic of your blog in advertising.

                                   This is a guest post from Himanchal Sharma of technopcarea
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7 headline secrets that drive huge trafffic and Shares

7 headline secrets that drive huge trafffic and Shares

One of the things that will determine the overall success of your write-up on the Internet is your headline.  In fact, it's the very first thing that will compel people to check out your work. However, an unattractive one could also lead to your untimely downfall. Thus. knowing how to write magnetic headlines nowadays is a must. 

Knowing that you need to create awesome headlines and actually pulling it off are two different things. The following are seven tips on how to do the latter. Learn to apply them well and you will surely grab the attention of those web readers in no time.

1. Learn from the pros

Magazine and newspaper publishing companies have been writing shocking and effective headlines for decades now. Nobody does it better than them. Observing how they do it and taking cues from their style will surely help you improve your craft. Just see to it that you'll avoid sensationalizing stuff since people hate anything exaggerated online. 

2. Start off with numbers

Straight up figures help people prepare themselves for what's about to come. Numbers make anything feel measurable and achievable. Starting off with a number on articles that can be classified as a list or tutorial will certainly turn more heads to your direction. 

Also, it would also do you some good to think of an odd number when creating your lists. Unlike even figures, odd numbers are open-ended. This promotes interaction between you and your readers, urging the latter to fill in gaps. 

3. Incorporate the very core of your article in it

The very function of headlines is to clarify things for your readers on the get-go. Like it or not, most people nowadays automatically dismiss things they don't easily comprehend. So failing to convey what your material is all about on the headline itself will make your whole article irrelevant and unreadable. 

Keywords are the terminologies that people will be using in order to search for a particular subject. This simply means that adding them to your headline will make your article more relevant for specific queries. In addition to that, it will also make your write-up better in terms of search engine optimization.

4. Use the powers of adjectives to your advantage

Adjectives are truly god-sent when you wish to create a headline that's unique, eye-catching and exciting. They give off a feeling of freshness and on action to your headline without altering its original meaning.  Make your article pop-out by using words such as amazing, effective and unbelievable in your headlines.

However, do be warned because excessive use of adjectives in your headline could confuse your readers. As with everything good in this world, this should come in perfect moderation. 

5. The carrot and stick approach

Offering a reward of some sort to your readers is an effective way of grabbing their attention in an  instant. You can persuade your target audience to read your content through various incentives such as useful pieces of information, awesome discounts and even freebies. 

Furthermore, you could also motivate those readers by intimidating them. Make them feel that they are missing out something by not reading your article. Just remember to avoid going overboard when taunting them. You don't want to scare off any potential readers now, right?

6. Urgency does wonders

Avoid writing headlines that can be classified as "relaxed". The readers of today have limited attention spans. Don't expect your supposed audience to check out an article they can dismiss and set aside for another time. Thus, your headline should sound like it's about to deliver something immediate and of relevance.

7. Read your sample headlines out loud

The best headlines are the ones that works for both your eyes and ears. A good technique in making sure that your headline looks and sounds the part is by reading it out loud. Consider making alterations when something feels off and out of place. 

Always keep in mind that the only way to get ahead of the curve online is by bringing your A game. Headlines are essential to your overall success as a writer, for they serve as the very gateway to your article. Without an enticing one, your target audience won't be able to fully appreciate what you've prepared for them. 

Author's Bio:
Katherine Smithson is a budding copywriter who is trying to pave her way through the
blogging realm. Through, she is currently venturing modern writing and blogging in different websites in hopes that someday she'll be able to make a name in the industry of blogging and writing per se.
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True Blogger Tricks Is Now Becomed 'AtoZBuzz'

Hi guys, Its been a very long time since my last post.Due to the lack of time and authors,we are unable to feed our readers with our exciting posts.

But Today I very happy to inform you that your favourite blog truebloggertricks as moved to custom domain.

Its is a happy occation that is moved to brand new domain

True Blogger Tricks Is Now Becomed 'AtoZBuzz'

Why AtozBuzz??

We changed our name Truebloggertricks to AtoZbuzz because we are going cover technology niche along with blogging!!.We choosed that domain name because inorder  to deliver our readers with  A to Z information and unrevealed secrets from technology and blogging side..

What we are going to do after?

We guarantee our readers that we would flood up our blog with latest gadgets, technology and as usual with blogging tips and tricks.Our designer team is ready with new professional design for our brand new blog.Please Kindly wait for 1 week as in between we would flourish our blog with totally with new ideas,design and more you have never seen before.

Kindly Subscribe us and stay updated with us..... 
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Article Marketing Problems: How to avoid the duplicate content

This post is written by our guest author.Check how to become a guest author in True Blogger Tricks

Article marketing has become one of the most popular marketing channels for most web marketers. It is in fact, one of the most effective ways to get more people to visit your website, buy your products and generally fare well in the search engines. Article marketing is nowadays used a long side social medias like Twitter and Facebook to ‘scream’ about certain products, goods or services.
Despite all the praise heaped on article marketing, duplicate content is one of the fast rising challenges facing article marketers. The posting of exactly same article to multiple sites has resulted in the duplicate content penalty, which is raking havoc to web marketers.
Whereas the penalty is not live parse, if it’s duplicate, search engines such as Google and many more tend to ignore it in the search results, meaning that you’re less likely to see any benefits from writing and distributing them.
Here are some tips to overcome this penalty:

Use of duplicate content checker PlagSpotter

Plagspotter helps article marketers detect any duplicate content in their content for marketing. With the help of the tool web marketers are able to own their content and secure their original ideas and this helps to reduce the risk and generate more traffic and better rankings for their sites.

Mix up the elements in your article

Article marketing can seem to be a very hectic activity just before posting to the sites. as a writer your typical  article should contain the title, introductory part, body, and conclusion and an author though not all. After fixing all the elements in an article fix your mind to how you can sell the article, this is done by creating different multiple versions of each element and combine those elements differently each time you post your article. With the different versions within the elements there is less chance the search engines will see the article as a duplicate.


Most readers just before starting to read an article the first thing the eye catches is its title. The title gives a brief overview on what the article is about. A unique and interesting title sets the reader in a certain mood and gives reader more need to read. This brings in the importance of the article title both from a reader point of view as well as a duplicate penalty point of view. Writers should thus avoid using the same title while posting to different sites. By varying the article title there is less chance of the search engines believing they have already indexed that page.

Article Summary

It is useful to have numerous and very different versions of the summary. Having different versions will help you avoid duplicate content penalty. The summary element in an article that which is examined very closely by the search engines for existing duplicates.

Article Body

The body element in an article contains much information in every article written. Therefore the body is the part that most readers will get interested in to get to know the whole story. What is important is the structuring of your body. You can structure the text into blocks that can be also be rearranged.
Besides structuring of the body the writer should replace words and phrases with meaningful, but different equivalents. This way the article will maintains the same tone and meaning but has a large proportion of different words.

Article resource box

This is an element that article authors get the opportunity to link to the most appropriate pages in their web site. By rearranging the order of links and anchor text can produce excellent results and thus helps avoid the duplicate content penalty.
About The Author
Sandra Miller is a tech tips writer from Brooklyn. Loves writing about blogging, social media and SEM. You can reach her at Google+
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